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PGA TOUR has the ultimate access to the golfer's stream of consciousness.
It is your pregame and postgame interview providing insight like never before into the player's minds and their drive to the FedEx Cup.
Personality driven franchise expanding the PGA TOUR brand with experiences beyond the course taking fans somewhere they have never been before.


I LIVE ...
for getting on the green on St. Patty’s Day
- Kelly Rohrbach

I LIVE ...
to take risks on a wave and on the golf course
- Kelly Slater

I lived for golf. I would wake up at 4am and hit balls from 6-7:30 in the morning while with the 49ers”
- Jerry Rice
I lived for golf in high school until a wakeboarding accident mangled my shoulder... and that’s how I got into music
- Jake Owen
I LIVE ...

I LIVE ...
for the AT&T Pro Am and swam with sharks to overcome my fear of them” - Aaron Rodgers
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