Our approach to the set is to reflect the city of Pittsburgh as we look to represent what sports means to this area. It is a city known for its passionate sports fans while it boasts its strength and fortitude with its background in the steel industry. Brightly colored yellow bridges are a staple to its aesthetics and a focal point.
Materials from PNC Park and PPG Paints are infused into the scenic while our interpretation of the bridge architecture is adapted into the faux structural component to represent strength and the supporting foundation. The steel's design is modernized to balance the traditional elements used so that this set will stand the test of time in look and feel. We pay homage to the steel industry past time with our balcony of bronzed mill factory transom windows. They are set back in the balcony and RGB backlit to create the feeling of depth and to let the outside in as if we are not in a windowless studio at all.
The floating canopy is tilted down from front to back 18" so as to shield the back lights in the wide shots from the camera and to conceal the lighting grid as much as possible because we are using the full height of the studio to the grid.
While S1G was charged to "make this set different than the others", it is an evolution of the AT&T Sportsnet studio brand. Houston, Seattle, and now Pittsburgh all have rooted threads of elements and styling that do indeed tie them together as a comprehensive, distinct studio sports brand.

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